Detail Description:
Made in UK, top quality Black Knight koi spawning brushes. Fish safe, to be used in the spawning season.
Place the koi spawning brushes, spawning ropes or sometimes referred to as spawning mops just below the water level, one above the other, at the edge of the pond. This will encourage the fish to spawn, which usually happens in the early hours of the morning, having been preceded by an evening of flurried activity in the pond. The spawning takes several hours, during which most of the eggs will stick to the koi spawning brushes. After the spawning, it is a good idea to separate the brushes from the broodfish, otherwise the eggs will be eaten. It is best to put the brushes in filtered water of the same temperature as before, and the fry will hatch in 3-6 days. The small fish should be kept separate until they are large enough to be introduced to the pond.
High Quality Black Knight Spawning Brushes
Ideal for Koi Spawning
60" Long made from soft bristles